- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6737-722X
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/igortyulnev92
- Email: igor.tyulnev@gmail.com & igor.tyulnev@icfo.eu
Currently employed at ICFO – The institute of Photonic Sciences, where my PhD research focuses on the non-linear interaction of solids and two-dimensional materials with mid-infrared laser fields.
- PhD in Photonics, ICFO & UPC – Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya 2020-XX
Attosecond science and ultrafast optics group, Prof. Jens Biegert - Master of Science – Physics, University of Hamburg 2017-2019
Thesis: Few-Cycle Nonlinear Pulse propagation
Ultrafast optics and X-ray division, Prof. Franz X. Kärtner - Bachelor of Science – Physics, University of Hamburg 2013-2017
Thesis: Characterization and manufacturing of extensive WS2 thin- and monolayers
Attosecond research group, Prof. Thorsten Uphues
2017-20 Tutor in educational laboratory and outreach “Physik.Begreifen” at DESY
2019 Research Assistant – Simulation of phasematching in gas cell for HHG at CFEL
Summer School on the Frontiert of Light at ICFO
Conference pres. “Two-color spectral broadening in hollow core fiber compressor” at DPG
2016 Research Assistant – Programming & control of hardware with LabView at CFEL
English (fluent), German (mother tongue), Russian (mother tongue),
French (basic level), Spanish (basic level)
Weight training, Drawing, Languages, Cooking