Online symposium about career paths in ultrafast science organized by the SMART-X Optica Student Chapter

January 27-28, 2022

Speakers: Dr. Bongiorno, Dr. Nicoletti, Dr. Negro, Dr. Marino, Prof. Cerullo, Prof. Lanzani

The 1st SMART-X Chapter Symposium (1SCS) was planned as the first event by the SMART-X Chapter (Optica Student Chapter) and CNR-IFN, incorporating the SMART-X ITN Career Development Workshop. It took place at Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy but due to the Covid-19 restrictions, especially in regards to traveling, it was performed in a hybrid way, with both online and in-person attendance options available.

The 1st SMART-X Chapter Symposium was held in January 2022, lasting two days, and was dedicated to the SMART-X ITN Career Development Workshop (Day 1), and Academic Career in Ultrafast Science (Day 2). It included six talks from invited speakers, three round table discussions, and a quiz session.

Apart from the six talks given by the world-recognized experts in their fields, there have been three Round table discussion sessions, which were much appreciated by the participants. Both scientific and motivational questions have been raised and analyzed.

During the symposium, every ESR, either in person or virtually, gave a talk on their activity and participated in ESR round table discussion. The ones who have participated in person, have visited the CNR-IFN laboratories.

Last but not the least, it was a great opportunity for the ESRs to finally meet each other.